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Thank You for the Love

We can all concur that God is good. And as the old song goes, "Everyday with Jesus, is sweeter than the day before."

I woke this morning, and went directly to my prayer closet to give God thanks and glory. Each morning I thank God for watching over us, and protecting us through the night as we slumber and sleep. I thank God because He did not allow any hurt, harm, or danger to come nigh our dwelling. I thank Him for the angels that were encamped around our doorsteps, and by our bedside.

I thank God for my portion of health and strength, and allowing me some semblance of mental sanity, remembering the times when I thought I would lose my mind.

I thank God for food, clothing, and shelter. I thank God for blessing my finances, keeping my transportation, and all of the many blessings that He continues to bestow upon me. I thank God for my family, friends, and enemies, who continually drive me to my knees in prayer. I ask God's comfort and peace to be extended to all families that has lost a loved one, and his healing power on all that is sick, burdened, overwhelmed by the issues of life, and those down-troddened in the struggle. I pray for the home-less, the hungry, and the naked, that their needs are met, and they are not over-looked, neglected, or shunned. I thank God for every sinner that is being converted.

I thank God for looking beyond my faults, and still supplying my every need. I thank God for giving me strength when I'm weak, for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding when I don't have a clue, and for leading, guiding, and directing my steps each and every day.

I thank God for being long-suffering and patient with me as I struggle to get things right, and walk in totally submitted obedience to His word. I thank God for the power to face the adversaries of this new day, and the will to be more than a conqueror.

Then I began to remember that all God does, and all God is in my life is because of His great and unconditional love.

And with tears in my eyes I said, "Father, Thank you for the Love." Thank you for loving me in spite of me. Thank you for loving me as much when I'm wrong as you do when I'm right. Thank you for being a God who is not like man. Thank you for dying, being nailed to a tree in shame and humiliation, after looking down through the eons of time, and knowing that a sin-filled Jerry was coming along, and would not be able to make it without you. (Love covers a multitude of sin.)

Thank you for the Love

I'm Just Saying

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